Series 1: Understanding Your Boss’s Personality Colour for Career Success

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Understanding your boss's personality colour can be a game-changer in your corporate life. The idea of personality colours, such as the ones described in personality assessments, can provide you with crucial information into how your boss thinks, communicates, and makes decisions. Knowledge on this item can significantly impact your career, both positively and negatively.

Positive Impacts

Improved Communication: Knowing your boss's personality colour can improve communication. For instance, if your boss is a "Blue" personality (analytical and detail-oriented), you can prepare detailed reports and anticipate questions, making you appear proactive and thorough.

Stronger Relationships: By aligning your work style with the preferences of your boss you can build a stronger, even a more trusting relationship. A "Green" boss (people-oriented and empathetic) will appreciate your efforts to create a happy team environment, enhancing your reputation as a team player.

Better Performance Reviews: Understanding what your boss values and expects from you can help you focus on the right areas of your job. A "Red" boss (result-driven and decisive) will likely appreciate quick decision-making and high productivity, which can lead to you receiving better performance reviews and opportunities to move on up.

Negative Impacts

If you misinterpret your boss's personality colour or fail to adapt, it can lead to miscommunications and misunderstandings. For example, presenting a detailed report to a "Yellow" boss (creative and spontaneous) who prefers quick summaries can cause frustration.

Trying to constantly adapt to a boss with a drastically different personality colour can be very stressful. If you are a "Green" personality working under a "Red" boss, the constant push for results over relationships can cause you to burnout.

Failing to understand and align with your boss's expectations can result in missed opportunities for promotion. If your daily work delivered is not aligned with what your boss values or requires, you most likely will be overlooked for key project opportunities or even promotions.


Incorporating personality colour understanding into your career strategy can pave the way for a more happy and productive working relationship with your boss, leading to career opportunities. However, it's crucial to avoid the pitfalls of misunderstanding and stress. Understanding and adapting the delivery of your work to your boss’s personality colour is not just beneficial but essential for career success.

If you require career coaching check out my website and reach out to me through my website contact page.

If you would like to read about my recovery from Chronic Stress in my book The Bulletproof Banker it is available on Amazon .