Series 2: The Role of Bosses Personality Colours in Navigating Workplace Dynamics

The concept of understanding bosses’ personality colours provides a simple yet powerful way to understand the different dynamics in the workplace. I refer particularly to the ability to communicate and work with your boss. Recognising and adapting to your boss's personality colour can lead to a better and more productive working environment, ultimately helping you to gain promotion during your career.

Positive Impacts

  1. Enhanced Teamwork: Understanding your boss’s personality colour can improve how you work together on projects. For example, a "Yellow" boss, who is enthusiastic and creative, will thrive on brainstorming sessions and appreciate innovative (out of the box) solutions, making your contributions more important.

  2. Proactive Problem Solving: If your boss is a "Blue" personality, anticipating potential issues and providing data-driven solutions can show your ability to foresee issues and highlight your analytical skills, which can lead to increased trust and responsibility and career advancement.

  3. Career Advancement: Aligning with a "Red" boss's drive for results by consistently meeting or exceeding targets can position you as a high performer, increasing your chances for promotions and leadership opportunities.

Negative Impacts

Misjudging your boss’s personality can lead to significant communication issues. A "Green" boss, who values empathy and consensus, might feel alienated by a too direct and confrontational approach.

 A mismatch between your work style and your boss’s expectations can create tension. For example, if you are a "Yellow" personality who values flexibility and your boss is a "Blue" who values structure, the differing priorities can lead to conflicts, so even if you are delivering great results there will be too many conflicts and you may have to leave the team or the job.

If you fail to understand with what your boss sees as important, your efforts might go unrecognized. A "Red" boss focused on results might overlook the value you bring if you are more process-oriented. The process may be great but if the results are not up to scratch your feedback will be negative leading to stress.


Understanding the personality colour of your boss can transform your professional interactions and career opportunities. While there are significant benefits to aligning your approach with your boss's personality type, it's essential to navigate any potential challenges you meet mindfully. By doing so, you can build a positive working relationship with your boss and the team which will unlock new career opportunities.

If you require coaching contact me through my website

If you would like to read my journey of recovery from mental exhaustion in my book “The Bulletproof Banker” it is available on Amazon.