Series 4: The Impact of Personality Colours on Professional Relationships

Personality colours offer a unique opportunity through which to view and understand workplace politics. Taking the time to understand and identify your boss's personality colour can provide significant opportunities into how to navigate your relationship and ultimately your career. This knowledge however, can have both positive and negative consequences on your work life.

Positive Impacts

  1. Optimized Work Strategies: Adapting your work style to align with your boss’s preferences can lead to more efficient and happy work environment. A "Red" boss appreciates quick decision-making and efficiency, so focusing on delivering results can enhance your reputation.

  2. Enhanced Job Performance: By understanding what motivates your boss, you can ensure your efforts meet their expectations. A "Blue" boss values accuracy and thoroughness, so ensuring your work is meticulous and well-documented can lead to positive career reviews.

  3. Stronger Mentorship: A "Green" boss, who is supportive and nurturing, will likely invest more in your development if they see you as a collaborative and empathetic team member, providing you with more opportunities to progress.


 Constantly trying to meet the expectations of a boss with a very different personality colour can be emotionally draining and hugely stressful. A "Yellow" boss who thrives on spontaneity might frustrate a "Blue" personality who needs structure.

 If you do not understand and adapt to your boss’s personality, your efforts and great work might be misinterpreted as incompetence. A "Red" boss might see a "Green" employee's focus on team harmony as a lack of ambition.

Not understanding  your boss's values and personality colour can really limit your career advancement. A "Blue" boss may not recognize the value of a "Yellow" employee’s innovative ideas if they are not presented with supporting data and thorough analysis.


Knowing your boss’s personality colour is a powerful tool for career management. It allows you to change your communication and work style to better fit your boss’s preferences, leading to a more productive and positive working relationship. However, it’s essential to balance this understanding to avoid the potential negative impacts on your well-being and career opportunities.

If you require career coaching reach out to me through my website on the contact me section.

If you would like to read my recovery from mental exhaustion, my book “The Bulletproof Banker” is available on Amazon.