Series 3: How Knowing Your Boss’s Personality Colour Can Make or Break Your Career

Understanding your boss's personality colour can be crucial in navigating your career path effectively. This knowledge can influence your work environment and career progression in both positive and negative ways.

Positive Impacts

  1. Targeted Communication: Tailoring your communication to match your boss's personality colour can prevent misunderstandings and ensure clearer, more effective interactions between you and your boss and the team. A "Blue" boss, who values precision, will appreciate well-organized and thorough communication.

  2. Increased Recognition: Aligning and priortising your efforts with what your boss values can lead to greater recognition and reward. A "Green" boss, who values team harmony, will likely appreciate your efforts to manage conflict and maintain a positive team atmosphere.

  3. Professional Development: Understanding your boss's personality can provide insights into your professional development. A "Red" boss, who is goal-oriented, might mentor you in becoming more decisive and results-driven.

Negative Impacts

Major differences between your personality and your boss’s can lead to frequent conflicts. If you are a "Yellow" personality who thrives on creativity and flexibility, a "Blue" boss’s need for structure and detail can feel stifling.

Constantly having to adjust your behaviour to meet your boss’s expectations because you don’t understand the personality type can lead to major job dissatisfaction and burnout, especially if your natural style is in stark contrast to your boss’s personality colour.

 If your boss does not perceive your contributions as valuable due to a personality mismatch, your career growth will be hindered. A "Green" boss might undervalue the achievements of a "Red" subordinate if they perceive them as overly aggressive or insensitive.


Recognizing and adapting to your boss's personality colour is a strategic move that can provide career opportunities and job satisfaction. However, it is important to maintain a balance to avoid the negative impacts of personality mismatches. By understanding these dynamics, you can navigate your career more effectively.

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If you would like to read my story of recovery from mental exhaustion in my book “ The Bulletproof Banker” it is available on Amazon.