Thank you so much Simon for your kind words and recognition .

It's a great pleasure when one receives positive messages that reflect a past performance, especially as I enter my last quarter with the bank before I leave for a new career .

I've always believed the job of a leader is to help people in the team to believe in themselves and to see their true potential which is why I set up which has seen me support corporate wellness program's with my motivational talks and to also inspire invididuals to believe in themselves and reach their potential.

You certainly stepped up Simon in your time in UB, I enjoyed our time working together and be part of your success and I wish you every success in your future career.

Remember you can do it.


Align your values

In an era when the culture of a company is as much a public focus as profitability and share price, many workers seeking to change job/industry at this time look to understand the values of the company and how they align to their own values.

A fulfilling job true to the job description and the quality of wellbeing at work are now vital to employees and potential employees.

In my capacity as a motivational speaker supporting corporate wellness program's its clear that at this uncertain time more workers are taking more time to review their present career path. Most who really take the time can see the path has changed.

They can see that there are many new potential twists and turns that makes them pay attention to their gut or to put it another way, the fear of the unknown.

They want to understand the benefits of the change, to understand the positive life change their action can make and most importantly to understand how any decision they may make will have on their overall happiness in life.

Take the brave leap, its scary, but necessary to open new doors.

Stay safe


Everyone can make decisions right?

Everyone can make hard decisions right?

Even when we toss a coin we have an idea which side we would like it to land on.

I've got a decision to make.

It's been a busy week with different emotions.

I made my radio debut speaking about my work as a coach, a banker and a motivational speaker supporting corporate wellness program's.

I tweeked a disc in my back that's abruptly stopped my 5 mile a day runs in raising funds for the hospice during lockdown . As its a slight yet quite painful reoccurance of a larger 2016 issue , the hard medical question was asked if I could continue to do competitive running?

I've a decision to make when I can move normally and test my stride.

Like tossing the coin I know what side I want it to land on but it has to be for the long term benefit.

So I won't be anxious about tomorrow because tomorrow can be anxious for itself.

I've got two on line zoom motivational speaking talks coming up and I look forward to getting back to running for charity by end of May.

Follow your dreams and remember you can do it.


You look like uncle Albert

The lockdown can give us the opportunity to enjoy and learn new skills in business and life in general. But you should not feel pressurised to change for change sake.

I've managed to loose my bet with my daughter on having ginger in recently grown beard, I'm more like uncle Albert they said lol we've had some craic with that!!.

I've also managed to make my first ever cake from scratch using handed down mothers recipe for gur cake. It was yum.

Celebrated by shaving off my white beard lol.

30 of 60 days completed running 5 miles a day for the hospice which has seen 156 miles run and 62 miles walked separately with my son or daughter a total of 218 miles for April giving you a bang for your very generous buck which has me at €1032 raised of the €1500 target thank you all who have donated so much.

5 miler today in glorious Dublin sunshine with lots of runners out, as more people can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

We can do anything we put our mind to follow your dreams.

Stay safe and have a great weekend.


The secret of all victory.

Industry and the way work can be done in future is no doubt being looked at across countless institutions. In preparing for the future take the advice of Marcus Aurelius who died on St Patrick's day 180 AD.

"The secret of all victory lies in the organisation of the non- obvious" .

You need to understand your full overall business process in delivering for your customers for the new future and that includes the wins and potential pitfalls within the overall customer experience.

Teamwork has never been more essential.

5.2 mile run through a very hot Dublin today keeping to restrictions and breaking through 201 miles for month to date.

You can still make a contribution and or share my link as I run a minimum of 5 miles each day until 31st May for the hospice.

Thank you so much to those who have donated.

Follow your dreams.


You can do it.

End of week update.

Day 24 of 61 day challenge running 5 miles a day to raise funds for the hospice.

125 miles to date ran and €829.00 raised of a target of €1500.

In addition to running I have walked 46 miles with family which has been brilliant and great craic. Extra time with wife, daughter and son fab conversations, bad jokes, and great weather.

Thank you so much for your support it makes a difference and inspires me.

Reach for your dreams, take some time out and know you can do it.


Be positive

What do you coexist with?

You can achieve your goals when you are positive.

You can change your mindset to believe without a doubt that you can achieve your goals , that's when you will see real change in your life.

-Light and darkness cannot coexist,

- Gratitude and negativity can not coexist.

5 mile run in sunny Dublin as I continue to run 5 miles a day from April 1st to 31st May in raising funds for hospice.

Stay safe


Don’t ignore experience

During this crisis there are a lot of people thinking about their future.

They have time to evaluate how they are treated in their present employment, how their leaders interact with them and they are wondering are they really doing jobs they dreamed about doing .

This virus crisis has changed some mindsets. Companies have a fantastic opportunity to ensure their employees feel valued and to know their experience is welcomed.

Firms could see more experience leave within the next year if they do not take care.

5.1 mile run today as I continue 5 miles a day until 31st May to raise funds for the hospice.

Stay safe.


Thank you

Thank you to all the front line staff across all industries for keeping the show on the road.

Others may be getting used to the time working from home and spending more time with loved ones, gees how lucky are we? ......

"give people a bit of your heart rather than a piece of your mind".

When we look back we will realise how lucky we have been. Take the opportunity to be in the present moment and be grateful.

5.2 mile lunchtime run in Dublin sunshine as exercise is great for your mental health.

Stay safe.


Never waste a good crisis.

Never waste a good crisis.

Actually Niccolo Machiavelli the renaissance writer was first attributed with the quote " never waste the opportunity offered by a good crisis" .

Later if course in ww2 Winston Churchill said "never let a good crisis go to waste".

Everyone assumed that anything Machiavelli had to say must be cunning, scheming, and unscrupulous.

Of course one should the note the quote was used later by Fund managers in the financial crash of 2008.

So during this present crisis some of us have an opportunity to slow down with less commuting and spend more time with family which will have its ups and downs mostly ups I'm sure.

But what do you dare to have different in your life when this is over?, Don't waste the crisis.

5.3 miles in 47 mins in drizzly quiet Dublin today, what a difference to the glorious sunshine of yesterday.
