“Brian attended our event on 9th November 2023 and had us all enthralled with his story and delivery. He brought us on a journey of his life story which captivated everyone whilst also providing a message of hope, resilience and positivity.

We would recommend Brian Kennedy to any organisation considering a motivational speaker or wellness advocate for your future events”.

Keith Nolan Corporate Affairs Private Security Authority .

“Thank you Brian for an inspiring, thought provoking and entertaining talk. Great feedback from the team. Best of Luck”.

Paul Scallan Chief Executive Private Security Authority.

I dialed into your webinar today from Georges Quay and just wanted to say a personal thank you. I found it fascinating and so clearly explained. I think it will benefit a lot of people, including myself, in the future. Thanks once again
— AW Dublin
I really related to a lot of what you said am currently going through stuff at the moment but getting better , I think the meeting was at the right time of my life to listen to that. Cheers
— BC Scotland
The key for me was to be happy within yourself first, and then believe in yourself – you can do anything.
— KM Dublin
Your words, experience, bravery and self-disclosure gave me the confidence to speak up, share my scars and to hell with anyone who thinks any less of me for doing so
Thank you Brian Kennedy for an energetic thought provoking an enlightening presentation which went down so well with the case consultants – thank you on behalf of us all! You have achieved much more than you set out to do!
— K K 2017 Scotland
Honestly I would listen to your advise all day. Your incredibly storing, determined, self disciplined and motivated and if I can work towards achieving a fraction of the strength you have I know I will be doing good
— RS Dublin
I was speaking to my Mam at lunchtime and she said that today was the first time she heard me positive in a long time
— CG Navan
The guys are still all talking about it today!! Its obviously made an impact!!
— JD Manager, Scotland
your words, experience, bravery and self-disclosure have me the confidence to speak up, share my scars and to hell with anyone who thinks any less of me for doing so as that’s their problem
Massive thank you on behalf of the whole region, excellent session delivered with passion, pride and gusto as always!
— Regional Director RBS
I thoroughly enjoyed it, and will def need to re evaluate some things on the back of it
— D Mc G Belfast
I’m definitely coming to that stage where I want to make some changes and now seems to be as good a time as ever. If anything you’ve given me that kick up the backside!!
— W H Dublin
I started a couch to 10KM training plan about 6 weeks ago.I’m now hooked and plan to keep the training up 3 days a week and do regular 5 and 10KMs.
Just wanted to say thanks for inspiring me and best of luck with the Ultra Event whenever that is.
— B McM Programme Manager
He makes you stop and take a breath and evaluate your purpose and the way in which you are going about it. He makes you think of your priorities and whether they are in the right order.
— P McD Area Manager Dublin Financial Services
To be honest, I could have done with those words of wisdom a few years ago when I was (almost) pushed over the edge here at work !!!!
— ED Dublin
In raising awareness of such a simple but highly effective tool not only can we benefit as individuals but our colleagues, friends & families and wider communities can experience the positive effects also.

Positivity is infectious.
— K C
It has given me a great insight into why I am me, and I will let you know how the walking progresses. First fix as they say
— MK Dublin
A number of things resonated with me and are very relevant to me right now as I am leaving the bank after 10 years and am not sure exactly what is next. I feel much better about not knowing what is next now and am going to enjoy the present, my family and the time I can spend with them before the next chapter of my career.
— SC Dublin Manager
He was so open and honest and made the talk so interesting.
— FF Dublin
I couldn’t agree more that its so important just to take time out for yourself and reflect on how things are going.
— BB Dublin
I have started to put my plan in place for my personal goal and even doing that has made me feel great
— C McD Dublin
It was insightful to realise it’s never too late to make a change/ pick up something new i.e. he started running at 50 and is now an advocate for ultra marathon running
Referenced and discussed a particular book ‘The Chimp Paradox’ which I have read and found very interesting, I also liked the references to other books worth reading I will definitely keep an eye out for. It was definitely worth attending and really gives you a minute to put things into perspective which is well needed!

— E Heneghan

The key for me was “ To be happy within yourself first and then believe in yourself - then you can do anything.

KM Dublin

Brian recently delivered a talk to myself and 40 of my colleagues .The feedback was super from attendees as we all got tips and advice as takeaways - thank you for sharing your story Brian and for being such an inspiration for others.

HG Scotland