The Career coaching I provide

It’s still a competitive world out there and as such many professionals suddenly find themselves at a crossroads in their careers, unsure of the best path forward. Career coaching provides the clarity, guidance, and strategies needed to navigate challenges, to achieve long-term success. Here are some of the reasons why professionals come to me for coaching.

Career Coaching :

-Leadership Development:
Many professionals seek coaching from me to enhance their leadership skills and the ability to inspire their teams while also learning about emotional intelligence.

-Career Advancement:
Many professionals seek coaching from me to accelerate their career progression. Coaching can help them identify their strengths and set clear career goals, while they create a plan to achieve those goals.

-Conflict Resolution and Team Dynamics:
Many professionals seek coaching from me to improve team dynamics and resolve conflicts. I offer strategies for effective communication, collaboration, and conflict management resulting in better performance and productivity.

Stress Management:

-Burnout Prevention and Recovery:
Many professionals seek coaching from me when they are experiencing stress, burnout or are on the verge of it. I help help them recognise the signs of burnout, set boundaries, and create strategies for recovery and a sustainable work-life balance.

-Coping with High-Pressure Environments:
Many professionals in high-stress jobs seek coaching from me to learn how to manage stress effectively. I provide tools and techniques to handle pressure, stay calm, and maintain focus in demanding and stressful situations.

-Improving Work-Life Balance:
Many professionals seek coaching from me who struggle to balance work demands with their personal lives, leading to stress. I help them set priorities, manage their time better, and find ways to create a more balanced life with a more positive mindset and improved coping mechanisms while being more positive.

If you require career coaching and or stress management coaching reach out to me here on LinkedIn or through

My Core Leadership Focus as a Friday message because leadership is not a game.

My Core Leadership Focus as a Friday message because leadership is not a game.

As a leader, I must recognise that stress is an inevitable part of our professional lives. But how we navigate it can make all the difference, because stress that develops into chronic stress must be avoided. My goal as a leader is to foster an environment where my team feels supported, balanced, and equipped to handle challenges, without sacrificing their well-being but get the job done.
As a leader let me show you how I will support them.

Open Communication. I encourage an open-door policy where team members can talk openly and share concerns without fear. By being available and approachable it will help reduce the pressure and stop individuals bottling up issues.

Flexibility. Being aware that life happens to all of us. So, whether it's offering flexible hours or remote work options, I want to create a balance that allows my team to perform without burning out.

Encouraging Breaks. Making sure my team take time to recharge is very important. I remind my team on a regular basis that stepping away from the desk is not a luxury—it’s a necessity for maintaining productivity and mental health.

Lead by example. I make it a point to manage and practice my own work-life balance. By leading by example, I hope to inspire the same in others.

Workload Management. I will always be aware of the work stack of my team, set boundaries and if required say no to additional workload. For any of my team struggling I ensure my team knows where to turn for support when they need it.

If I can carry this out successfully, I know I’ll have a strong, resilient team to work with.

hashtag#Leadership hashtag#TeamSupport hashtag#MentalHealthAtWork hashtag#StressManagement hashtag#WorkLifeBalance hashtag#LeadWithEmpathy

Leadership is not a game.

What does the way you hang your toilet roll say about you?

I’m sure you will find a quiet moment to check this out about yourself today, if you don't you may have bigger problems lol.

What does the way you place your toilet paper say about you?

Dr.Gilda Carle surveyed 2,000 people into the way we hang our toilet paper and what it could say about us. She determined that:

Roll Over
·      Those who leave the loose end away from the wall, who roll the paper over the top, those people love to be in charge, they like things in order and everything has a place. These people the research mentions tend to be in leadership roles as they like to take charge. To make matters worse the research goes on to state these “roll overs” earn significantly more than an under roller, and if that’s not bad enough if they come to your house to visit  they will switch the way your toilet roll hangs.

Roll Under
·      Those who keep the loose end beside the wall or roll under tend to be a more relaxed and dependable type of people. They like relationships with a foundation and friendships matter to them. These people tend to be more agreeable, flexible and empathic…the research calls them submissive ah come on now  !! submissive because we listen and agree and are thoughtful really ! Jeepers gets you thinking.

Don’t care either way
·      Then there are those of us like me who don’t care either way we hang the paper (we are just glad it’s there when we need it). Apparently though we prefer to minimize conflict, we appreciate flexibility, and we enjoy pushing themselves in new situations….Yes sounds good to me!

I’m sure you can find a quiet moment to figure out where you stand on this but beware it appears also from the research just flipping to be an over roller won't immediately increase your earning power.

Have a great Wednesday, love to hear your comments.

You will never look at your toilet paper in the same way again.

Why Organisations with great leadership survive.

Great leadership is the foundation for a thriving organisation. When we lead effectively, it doesn't just drive the organisation toward its goals; it positively impacts everyone the managers and staff at every level. Here's how:

Great leaders who can demonstrate a clear vision for the business can help all the individuals find a sense of purpose in their daily work that inspires them personally and to enjoy their work giving managers and staff a strong sense of daily purpose that transcends to all areas of their lives.

By trusting managers and staff with responsibility and the autonomy to make decisions in the workplace the confidence all the people feel helps them really enjoy their lives. The overall communication from the leadership team is so clear it builds a trusted environment where everyone feels valued as they all work toward a common goal. The acknowledgement of the effort and achievement of the managers and staff boosts morale and the overall vision for the future of the organisation.

Great leaders through their honest communication breakdown silos as they promote teamwork and corporate knowledge share. Opportunities for organised mentoring and coaching help’s build the next pipeline of leaders who can react to change and be adaptable to the future demands of the business. This supportive organisational culture reduces the chances of employee burnout as the organisation clearly values work-life balance and job satisfaction, a culture where if a person is struggling they can ask for help.

On a daily basis you will see these great leaders walk amongst the managers and the staff thanking them for a job well done as they live the values they communicate throughout the organisation. This simple action can do a lot to foster creativity and resilience within the organisation and provide a culture where external top talent scramble to come and work for the company. This creativity drives growth and keeps the organisation competitive into the future, especially in ever changing environments.

So great leadership not only builds trust but transforms individuals and organisations, it motivates individuals to work together and improve performance leading to a truly great place to work and a successful organisation.

The Paradox of Achievement: Why Do We Struggle to See Ourselves as Others See Us

Why do we never see ourselves as others see us?

Have you ever noticed how difficult it is to accept a compliment, especially after achieving something extraordinary?

Having watched the Olympic games with all the highs and lows it was just amazing. Their journey to perfect their craft a journey of determination, dedication and effort that brings physical and mental challenges, none more than  the emotion of finishing fourth in the Olympic Games—an incredible feat by any standard. Yet, many athletes feel disappointment rather than pride. Why do we struggle to acknowledge our achievements, even when we've clearly outdone ourselves?

The way we perceive ourselves often differs significantly from how others see us, and it affects us all even our Olympic superheroes.

Most of the time regardless of our position in life we measure our success against others. In a competitive environment like the Olympics, finishing fourth can feel like a failure compared to winning a medal, despite it being a monumental achievement. But for our superheroes while the initial heartbreak is raw their resilience in the face of disappointment is nothing short of inspirational.

Their performances serve as beacons of inspiration, inspiring a spark in others to strive to be the best they can be in their set goals.

For our Olympic superheroes and many of us who will never win an Olympic medal the drive to be the best we can be leaves a mark on us far beyond the shine of any medal.

Setting Realistic Goals and Embracing Progress

For us mere mortals and even Olympic superheroes it's essential to set realistic goals and recognise the value of our efforts, even if we don't achieve our ultimate objective.

I won many trophies and medals in my sporting life but for many of them I never took time to celebrate success. Only after I suffered mental exhaustion working 84 hours a week did I change my life to be more in the present, In my marathon and Ultra marathon running I set personal goals such as achieving a specific distance or a personal best time. This allowed me to focus to improve my running rather than comparing myself to others. I took some time to acknowledge and celebrate smaller wins on the way to my larger goal of running ultra marathons. This kept me motivated along the way.

I regularly reflected on my progress, this can help you appreciate your progress and keep the bigger picture in mind.

Disappointment is natural when we fall short of our goals, but it's so important not to let it overshadow our achievements. Understanding and addressing the psychological factors that influence our self-perception can help us appreciate our efforts and successes more fully.

Remember, achieving greatness often involves overcoming internal barriers as much as external ones. Embrace your journey, celebrate your progress, and never underestimate your achievements.

Believe in yourself

If you wish to know more about my journey to suffering Mental exhaustion and my recovery then read my book The Bulletproof Banker available on Amazon

If you wish to know more about my Career coaching and  Stress coaching check out my website

#Achievement #PersonalGrowth #MentalHealth #Goals #Motivation #Psychology



Does it matter where you sit for a performance review.

The idea that having a direct report sit to the manager's right during a one-on-one meeting improves communication is rooted in certain psychological principles in nonverbal communication. Here are some key points related to this practice:

Sitting next to each other, rather than across a desk, can reduce perceived barriers and create a more collaborative environment.

When people sit side-by-side, it can foster a sense of partnership and equality, reducing the hierarchical tension that might exist when one person sits directly opposite another. This positioning can make the conversation feel less confrontational and more collegial.

Sitting to the right, rather than directly in front, might allow for more comfortable eye contact. Direct face-to-face positioning can sometimes feel too intense or confrontational, while side-by-side positioning allows for natural eye contact without the pressure.

For right-handed individuals (the majority of people), having someone to their right can make it easier to take notes or gesture comfortably without obstructing the view. This can facilitate smoother interactions and less physical awkwardness.

In some cultures, side-by-side seating is more common and comfortable for discussions, whereas direct face-to-face seating is reserved for more formal or adversarial interactions.

Side-by-side seating (such as sitting to the right) can promote a sense of working together on the same problem or issue, rather than having a "you versus me" dynamic allowing for collaboration.

This seating arrangement can be less intimidating for the direct report, potentially leading to more open and honest communication because everyone is more comfortable

It allows for a more natural interaction, as people often feel more at ease and less scrutinized when they are not directly facing someone.

 Furthermore, there is another reason related to the brain's hemispheric functions that might explain why a person sitting to the right could be more open to communication. This reason involves how the brain processes emotions and facial cues, which are crucial for effective communication.

The right hemisphere of the brain is more involved in processing emotional and social information. It plays a crucial role in recognizing facial expressions, intonation, and other non-verbal cues that are essential for empathetic and effective communication.

Information from the left visual field is processed by the right hemisphere, and vice versa. When a person sits to your right, their face primarily falls into your left visual field. This means that the emotional and social cues from their face are processed by your right hemisphere, which is better equipped for this task.

Finally, as a leader when your direct report sits to your right, their facial expressions and other non-verbal cues are more likely to be processed by your right hemisphere, enhancing your ability to understand and respond to their emotions effectively. This arrangement might help in creating a more empathetic and emotionally connected interaction, as a leader you may pick up on subtle emotional signals more accurately.

Give it a go for your next Performance 1-2-1

Does it matter where you sit for your Performance 1-2-1

The Main Characteristics of Great Leadership

Great leadership is the foundation of any successful organisation. It involves more than just managing tasks and people; it requires a blend of various skills, traits, and behaviours. Behaviours that inspire and guide teams toward achieving a common goal. In this blog post I will share the main characteristics that define great leadership.

1. Visionary Thinking

Great leaders have a clear and compelling vision for the future. They can see beyond the present circumstances and anticipate the direction in which their organisation needs to go. This visionary thinking allows them to set long-term goals and inspire others to work toward achieving them.

Key Traits:

  • Strategic foresight

  • Inspirational motivation

  • Ability to articulate a clear vision

2. Effective Communication

Communication is a fundamental aspect of leadership. Great leaders are skilled communicators who can convey their ideas clearly and persuasively. They also listen actively, valuing the input and feedback from their team members.

Key Traits:

  • Clarity and conciseness

  • Active listening

3. Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence (EQ) is the ability to understand and manage one's own emotions, as well as the emotions of others. Leaders with high EQ can build strong relationships, manage stress effectively.

Key Traits:

  • Self-awareness

  • Empathy

  • Social skills

4. Integrity and Ethics

Integrity is about being honest and having strong moral principles. Ethical leaders are trustworthy and act consistently with their values. They create a culture of accountability and transparency within their organization and build trust.

Key Traits:

  • Honesty and transparency

  • Accountability

  • Consistency in actions

5. Decisiveness

Great leaders are decisive. They can make tough decisions quickly and confidently while often under pressure. This decisiveness stems from a thorough understanding of their organisation, their industry, and the potential consequences of their decisions should things go wrong.

Key Traits:

  • Confidence

  • Risk management

  • Problem-solving skills

6. Adaptability

In a rapidly changing world, adaptability is a crucial trait for leaders. Great leaders can pivot their strategies and approaches when circumstances change. They embrace innovation and as good listeners are open to new ideas and ways of doing things.

Key Traits:

  • Flexibility

  • Open-mindedness

  • Resilience

7. Inspirational Motivation

Inspirational motivation involves the ability to inspire and energise others. Great leaders motivate their team members by setting high expectations, providing encouragement, and recognising achievements. They create a sense of purpose and passion within their team and value the work delivered toward the common goal.

Key Traits:

  • Enthusiasm

  • Encouragement

  • Recognition of achievements


Great leadership involves a combination of vision, communication, emotional intelligence, integrity, decisiveness, adaptability, and the ability to inspire and lead others. By cultivating these characteristics, leaders can guide their organisations to success and create a positive, motivating and trustworthy environment for their teams.

If you require coaching reach out to me through my website contact page.

If you wish to read about my journey to recovery from mental exhaustion in my book “ The Bulletproof Banker” it is available on Amazon.

Series 4: The Impact of Personality Colours on Professional Relationships

Personality colours offer a unique opportunity through which to view and understand workplace politics. Taking the time to understand and identify your boss's personality colour can provide significant opportunities into how to navigate your relationship and ultimately your career. This knowledge however, can have both positive and negative consequences on your work life.

Positive Impacts

  1. Optimized Work Strategies: Adapting your work style to align with your boss’s preferences can lead to more efficient and happy work environment. A "Red" boss appreciates quick decision-making and efficiency, so focusing on delivering results can enhance your reputation.

  2. Enhanced Job Performance: By understanding what motivates your boss, you can ensure your efforts meet their expectations. A "Blue" boss values accuracy and thoroughness, so ensuring your work is meticulous and well-documented can lead to positive career reviews.

  3. Stronger Mentorship: A "Green" boss, who is supportive and nurturing, will likely invest more in your development if they see you as a collaborative and empathetic team member, providing you with more opportunities to progress.


 Constantly trying to meet the expectations of a boss with a very different personality colour can be emotionally draining and hugely stressful. A "Yellow" boss who thrives on spontaneity might frustrate a "Blue" personality who needs structure.

 If you do not understand and adapt to your boss’s personality, your efforts and great work might be misinterpreted as incompetence. A "Red" boss might see a "Green" employee's focus on team harmony as a lack of ambition.

Not understanding  your boss's values and personality colour can really limit your career advancement. A "Blue" boss may not recognize the value of a "Yellow" employee’s innovative ideas if they are not presented with supporting data and thorough analysis.


Knowing your boss’s personality colour is a powerful tool for career management. It allows you to change your communication and work style to better fit your boss’s preferences, leading to a more productive and positive working relationship. However, it’s essential to balance this understanding to avoid the potential negative impacts on your well-being and career opportunities.

If you require career coaching reach out to me through my website on the contact me section.

If you would like to read my recovery from mental exhaustion, my book “The Bulletproof Banker” is available on Amazon.

Series 3: How Knowing Your Boss’s Personality Colour Can Make or Break Your Career

Understanding your boss's personality colour can be crucial in navigating your career path effectively. This knowledge can influence your work environment and career progression in both positive and negative ways.

Positive Impacts

  1. Targeted Communication: Tailoring your communication to match your boss's personality colour can prevent misunderstandings and ensure clearer, more effective interactions between you and your boss and the team. A "Blue" boss, who values precision, will appreciate well-organized and thorough communication.

  2. Increased Recognition: Aligning and priortising your efforts with what your boss values can lead to greater recognition and reward. A "Green" boss, who values team harmony, will likely appreciate your efforts to manage conflict and maintain a positive team atmosphere.

  3. Professional Development: Understanding your boss's personality can provide insights into your professional development. A "Red" boss, who is goal-oriented, might mentor you in becoming more decisive and results-driven.

Negative Impacts

Major differences between your personality and your boss’s can lead to frequent conflicts. If you are a "Yellow" personality who thrives on creativity and flexibility, a "Blue" boss’s need for structure and detail can feel stifling.

Constantly having to adjust your behaviour to meet your boss’s expectations because you don’t understand the personality type can lead to major job dissatisfaction and burnout, especially if your natural style is in stark contrast to your boss’s personality colour.

 If your boss does not perceive your contributions as valuable due to a personality mismatch, your career growth will be hindered. A "Green" boss might undervalue the achievements of a "Red" subordinate if they perceive them as overly aggressive or insensitive.


Recognizing and adapting to your boss's personality colour is a strategic move that can provide career opportunities and job satisfaction. However, it is important to maintain a balance to avoid the negative impacts of personality mismatches. By understanding these dynamics, you can navigate your career more effectively.

If you required coaching contact me through my website

If you would like to read my story of recovery from mental exhaustion in my book “ The Bulletproof Banker” it is available on Amazon.