Align your values

In an era when the culture of a company is as much a public focus as profitability and share price, many workers seeking to change job/industry at this time look to understand the values of the company and how they align to their own values.

A fulfilling job true to the job description and the quality of wellbeing at work are now vital to employees and potential employees.

In my capacity as a motivational speaker supporting corporate wellness program's its clear that at this uncertain time more workers are taking more time to review their present career path. Most who really take the time can see the path has changed.

They can see that there are many new potential twists and turns that makes them pay attention to their gut or to put it another way, the fear of the unknown.

They want to understand the benefits of the change, to understand the positive life change their action can make and most importantly to understand how any decision they may make will have on their overall happiness in life.

Take the brave leap, its scary, but necessary to open new doors.

Stay safe
