The road back

The road back.

Any goal has obstacles its how we respond to them that helps us grow our resilience.

Fear is real and present in any scenario.

Tonight I ran my first road run since May 8th when I sustained a reoccurance of a back disc injury. Although I have done some short road walks and recently completed TM runs of 5 and 3 miles heading out tonight there was some fear as to how it would go, running gives me so much and allows me to give back.

My fellow ultra marathoner Rob Steger wrote about fear.

"As I begin to push nearer my personal limits, the element of fear becomes a real factor, I try to scare myself just enough into healthy training and eating habits. My goal needs to be just on the edge, scarey enough to harness the fear and ride it into race day".

Today I ate right and rode the fear into the 5.8 mile run tonight believing I could get through it successfully.

Thankfully mission accomplished tonight and I can continue the slow recovery.

Find something to be grateful for.

Follow your dreams.



So you are a social media influencer eh!

So you believe you are a Social media influencer eh!

So you believe you are an influential business leader eh!

Influencer is a term bandied around a lot today.

So you believe you truly are an influencer eh?, well how do you know? ,

How did you become that person of influence?

To influence someone you have to have faith in them, faith in them before they succeed and yes sometimes even before they have faith in themselves.

Sadly today a lot of people don't have faith in themselves and they don't believe they know anyone who has true faith in them.

If you show faith in someone before they succeed, provide support when they fail and help them visualise their future success then you can call yourself a person of influence.

If you can help someone change their attitude and expand their horizons then maybe just maybe you can earn the term a person of influence.

As you succeed in your personal and business life reach back and bring someone with you.

Follow your dream


Bring someone with you.

That person's older they don't understand, That person's younger they don't know what they are talking about,

Leaders should try to find a common ground as everyone can add value.

In your business and personal life helping someone to be better

-can hurt your ego,

-you don't want them to get better than you,

-you don't want to give away your skills, -

- you still want to feel valued,

We create more value by sharing our experiences and skills because everyone will raise their game to meet their goals.

People gravitate towards people who are vulnerable enough to know they don't have all the answers and have a willingness to grow together.

Follow your dream and know you can do it.

What do you feed on?

What do you feed on ?

I've been unable to run for a couple of weeks due to a reoccurance of an old back injury, I'm like a caged animal, I'm desperate to get out, but I know I have to wait for the right time and keep my attitude positive.

What you feed on can determine your attitude - it can make you positive or negative.

An Eagle can soar, its a majestic bird , did you know it only eats live fresh food?, it will not eat road kill. On this food it feeds its mind, body and spirit so it leads a victorious life.

Be like the Eagle watch what you feed on, give yourself a chance to soar in your personal and business life, don't put poison in your spirt let go of your past disappointments and move forward to a better happier life.

You can do it. Follow your dreams


Let’s first work on ourselves.

One day a person climbed up the mountain where a hermit was meditating.

He had taken refuge and was asked: - “What are you doing here alone in such a solitude place?”

To which she replied: - “I have lots of work !”

- “And how can you have so much work? I don't see anything around you here...?”

- “I have to train 2 hawks & 2 eagles, assure 2 rabbits, discipline 1 snake, motivate a donkey & tame a lion.....” -

“And, where have they gone that I don't see them?” -

“I have them all inside here within me...!!

✓ The hawks stare on everything that is presented to me, good or bad, I have to work on them to see only good things. They are my eyes.

✓ The 2 eagles with their claws hurt & destroy, I have to train them not to hurt. They are my hands.

✓ Rabbits want to go where they want, at the same time they do not want to face difficult situations, I have to teach them to be calm even if there is suffering or stumbling. They are my feet.

✓ The donkey is always tired, stubborn & does not want to carry the load each time I walk. That is my body!

✓ The most difficult to tame is the "snake." Although it is locked in a strong cage with 32 bars, it is always ready to sting, bite & poison anyone nearby. I have to discipline it... that's my tongue.

✓ I also have one Lion. Oh ... how proud, vain, he thinks that "he is the king." I have to tame him. And that's my ego.

So you see, my friend, I have lots of work..... “

Reflect : We all may have the same — Lots to work on ourselves ! So Stop Criticising, Evaluating n Judging others !

Let’s First work on ourselves !!

Good evening !!



So you have no bias?

So you say you have no bias? Eh!!

A father and a son are involved in a car crash and the man died at the scene. But when the child arrived at the hospital and was rushed to the operating theater the surgeon pulled away and said, "I can't operate on this boy, he's my son".

How can this be?

It's called the surgeons dilemna to demonstrate how unconscious bias works--and of course if you haven't got it by now, the surgeon is the boys mother..

Less than half the people who look at this fail to get it showing we all have bias but it's not always reflected in our behaviour.

Slow down take some time out to be in the present, be aware of your surroundings and follow your dreams.


Put your armour on!

Put your armour on and get your alibi ready.

Not everything goes right, not everything is perfect, as long as you do your best in everything that you do then you should not require your armour or an alibi. #mentalhealthintheworkplace

Follow your dream


Yep I’m a Boomer

I'm a boomer yep born between 1946 and 1964, the first of this generation retired in 2012.

Early in my career in 1980 I had managers who were also boomers and managed with the style of "do as I say" and if you asked a question, you might be met with "why are you asking that of me?" "those are the rules, we didn't really question them or challenge them" . If you asked a colleague why they did what the did, they responded with "That's the way we always do it."

Boomers have gone through much change in many industries and have now been recognised as managers who welcome questions, and are willing to prepare people for succession and share their skills.

They have skills to communicate clearly and put younger generations in the workplace at ease and bring some of the human back into the workplace.

Boomers are necessary today in business because of those skills.

Politics in some industries today has managers paying more attention to managing up rather than out, there is ramifications for that beyond their team but also for the organisation as a whole.

As a leader (boomer or not) it is my job to develop teams and individuals that help them achieve their full potential and maybe do my job in the future.

Follow your dreams.
