Does it matter where you sit in a meeting ? Yes it does and here is why.

The boss will sit in the power seat at the head of the table. They do that because they want to see and hear everyone in the meeting and manage any discussion that takes place.

Anyone who sits in that seat in the absence of the regular leader sends out the message that they are a leader and in control.

If you sit to the right or left of the boss you are straight away seen as a supporter of the boss and an influencer of sorts.

If there is no seat at the top of the table then it’s usual for the leader to take the middle seat along the side.

So where should you sit.

Well if you sit opposite your boss be prepared to be challenged and to be asked your opinion as you will be seen as a contender to your boss. If you ever find yourself in that seat and don't want to be a contender then you must ensure your body language and anything you say in the meeting is seen to be supportive of the boss.

It’s good to note that when people attend meetings regularly in the same room they tend to sit in the same seat without any realisation that where you choose to sit can help you to be successful in the meeting, to be noticed and to get an opportunity to contribute to a discussion.

In a meeting the middle seats along the side are seen as being filled by the people who are there with the intention to work with everyone in the room, to support them and to listen to them. They are usually the people who are seen as approachable and the collaborative people in the team.

So if you get to the room early choose wisely for example, if you choose a seat with your back to the wall while also facing the door you get to say hello to everyone, and make a great first impression to everyone who enters the room and people get to know you. That seat is seen as a power position in the room.

So think about where you sit especially if you have to leave early.

If you wish to be heard then you should sit to the left of your boss. If you want to be unnoticed sit to the right of your boss.

So don’t just choose a seat at random, have a goal in mind of what you want to get out of the meeting and remember where you sit can affect the perception people have of you in the meeting which also affects your career.

Choose your seat wisely.