2016 when things don’t go your way.

What happens when things don’t go your way, How do you react ?

Attitude is everything.

I am lucky I really enjoy my work and the company I work for Ulster Bank. I am blessed with a loving family and two great kids and the ability to run Marathons and Ultra Marathons to give something back by raising money for kids with Congenital Heart defects.
I was due to run the Connemara Ultra Marathon a 63km challenge on the 10th April ( to best my 2015 time ) , all the training was done with my final long run in training Sunday 20th March a 26.5 mile run which matched my fastest marathon time , I was in the zone ,

Mindset was right Tick the box,

Nutrition was right Tick the box,

Training approach was right Tick the box,

Work /Life Balance was right Tick the box,

New runners broken in on time Tick the box,

Transport to and accommodation for event organized Tick the box,

Monday morning at 640am on 21st when I was putting my shirt on for work I twisted something in my back and put two discs out of place and could not walk for 48 hours.
It was quite an experience not being able to move and oh the pain, I never experienced anything like it. I lay on my back for two days and I knew that all I learned about attitude and mindfulness would have to be put into action to stay positive, be in the present and take it one day at a time.
Being thankful to my family for the huge support and patience, the doctor for his understanding and humour and the painkillers for doing their job. I thought about the people who live with this lack of mobility every day and was thankful for what I had.
Eventually limited mobility returned although my movement was more of a shuffle and now after 2 weeks of painkillers, 2 x rays , an MRI , and a dexa scan I have a visit to a surgeon early next week.
I have had to deal with the disappointment of missing the Ultra Marathon this weekend but I am keeping a positive attitude and I am sure I will make my 7th Dublin Marathon in a row next October when I get back to training.
Disappointments and setback’s happen both in personal life and your career it’s your attitude and being mindful that that will get you through just as its working for me.
The positive recovery starts now.
Brian Kennedy
