Your future is within

Your future is within.

Wow what a year 2020 has been so far but in truth it's just a phase in the life we all live.

We live in time broken down into day's, week's, month's, year's "phases" if you will to help us deliver our potential for the world as a whole, no phase in life lasts for ever.

Year's provide space to deliver us from the past and move forward. Your past is dead but it can be dangerous if you keep feeding it.

Everyone makes mistakes, everyone falls and everyone fails at some time, no one is perfect.

Free yourself from the past but know this, your future is not ahead of you it's within you. You will not get your future from others but from the personal choices and values you bring forth from within to meet the vision you have for your life.

Your future is more important than your past, have a good attitude and don't be stupid.

If you get all your value from your business title you are in trouble as that company may not be around in the future,what then will you do?.

7 mile run in dark wet Dublin night.

Follow your dreams

