Why you should build resilience in your children

A weekend thought.

We all have a strong desire to protect our children.

However some parents go way to far by removing any obstacles or struggles or opportunities to experience pain or disappointment of any kind in their lives and even completing school assignments for the kids so they can succeed.

What they do not realise is that they are setting the seeds for the child to develop low confidence, low self esteem, anxiety and depression.

Raising our children to be resilient, to have the ability to be able to bounce back when things don’t go to plan is the best thing we can do.

Helping them identify their self awareness, their emotional reactions can help them come out stronger after facing a difficulty.

Teaching our children to relax, learn from mistakes, maintain perspective and a positive outlook on life will help them build their own self confidence and independence and ultimately ability to accept responsibility.

As a parent you will then watch your children put their energy into situations they have control over, and recognise empowerment and confidence on their journey.

Do that and you will be a true leader eh parent.

Are you a Helicopter parent? , a Jellyfish parent? , a Lawnmower parent? , or a Stealth fighter parent? , all of them push obstacles out of the way, ensure kids don’t experience pain and disappointment and even do the work for the kids.

Think about it this weekend.