Morality lost.

Morality lost! , just as they muddy the waters to make it seem deep.

It's been a happy romantic time recently for some of us, Others over the same time have suffered at the hand's of people they have never or will ever meet, who carry out actions as individuals and in business without due care that has a devastating / detrimental effect on other humans.

Morality and Ethics seem to be lost in the general media and social media, Politics, and many other businesses , its what sells or gets votes to hell with the personal cost.

As a leader the same can be said of some managers, in the way they treat their teams - it's why good people leave companies - remember there is more to having morals and ethics in business than just a catchy strapline.

It's time for everyone to step up and take care on how they interact with their fellow humans in every walk of life.

If you're a bully in life and in your business career your time should be just about up. Its time for people to have the courage to speak up.

6 mile run in 60 minutes in chilly Dublin. (see the quote from Oscar Wilde below)
