The fate of souls is at stake.

The fate of souls is at stake.

Well maybe not but I may have your attention.

It may come as a surprise but people as a whole are naturally creative and resourceful.

Why then are so many people struggling?

Why are so many trying to manage stress? , the whims of a myrid of demands without a care for each other and each demanding a piece of you each day.

Overstressed, frustrated, depressed, reactive, sound familiar.

Striking a balance between the whims of an unconscious mind (fears, frustrations, failures), and the requirements of daily life is made easier when you slow down.

Replacing negative thoughts with positive self talk will improve your life.

Sometimes you just have to hear it from someone else, like me for it to hit home.

A survivor of 7 armed robberies in a banking career.

A survivor of mental exhaustion working 84 hours a week in 2010.

A man who changed his life for the better and became an ultra marathoner to raise funds for others and help others through motivational speaking and personal coaching transform too.

If you don't like something in your life change it, if you can’t change it then change your attitude toward it.

I can support your corporate wellness program and help your greatest asset your people identify stress, bust it and become more resilient.

I can also coach individuals through stressful career situations and promotions.

DM me or contact me through