Stress has long term health effects.

You may be used to working long hours, you feel stressed but you believe in your head the stress is a requirement of the job, and a little stress helps you meet your goals.

Of course some people will tell you that a positive form of stress “cortosil” helps you find the strength and inspiration to get the job done. In short term it’s acceptable.

The simple fact is stress ruins your health and despite the belief of short term benefits the fact is, it has devastating long term effects.

When stress occurs you find the demands of your life outweigh your ability to cope.

What you find is that you can no longer work the long hours, your energy is less, your confidence is shaken, and your communication with family friends and colleagues becomes limited, short and very poor.

An analysis by DBS school of business showed of the IT industry in Ireland before covid19 showed

Time pressure and deadlines caused stress in 76% of people in the study.

Having their roles and responsibilities unclear accounted for the stress of 73% of the people in the study.

89% of employees worked more than 8 hrs a day which they identified as their starting point of the stress.

40% were stressed by family issues.

Other causes of the stress included

-Stressful situations in work.

-Not enough personnel to complete tasks

-Frequent interruptions to work and constant changes to scope of work.

-Insufficient time for family matters.

-Poor guidance by managers and supervisors

-Individuals unable to deal with changing workload.

-Lack of opportunity for promotion.

-Feelings of being constantly been taken for granted by your employer.

As a direct result of stress you will feel you have lost control and you will feel the need to take control.

As a result of this action you become easily agitated, emotional, lonely and you can become depressed and your judgement usually sound will become poor.

Mental exhaustion as a result of work life stress is no joke and must be taken seriously. Please listen to my radio interview with Joe Dalton on the emerging business brands show which is shared on my website along with my talk on the Service Excellence podcast for the call centre industry voted #1 podcast for 2020 from that show which I have shared on LinkedIn and Instagram.

If you are struggling with stress and your mental health please know it's OK to ask for help.

Meditation and relaxing techniques can help you slow the pulse and relax tense muscles and improve blood pressure to acceptable healthy readings.

Try to take 10 mins out each day for yourself for reflection and positive self talk and meditation.

If you would like me to support your corporate wellness program please contact me through bjkennomotivation. com. Or DM me through LinkedIn or Instagram.
