Maybe we are in a better world post covid.

Maybe just maybe we are in a better world post covid.

After a number of days in Spain with fantastic weather great company, good food and craic I managed to suffer a reoccurance of my back injury the night before I was due to leave.

Marcus Aurelius my pal from 180 AD once said "No where you can go is more peaceful, more free from interruptions than your own soul. Retreat to consult your own soul and then return to face what awaits you"

The teachings of Marcus taught me how to seek stillness through guided meditation, body scans and breathing techniques that reduced anxiety and to tune into the physical body.

It helps manage the pain and be grateful for what I have. It keeps me in the present moment and acknowledge my perseverance and resilience. It also helps me learn from what has happened to me during the day.

A big thank you for the assistance and compassion from the Spanish security lady who brought me through a special security lane in 2 mins as she saw my slow pace and walking cane.

A big thank you to the aer Lingus cabin crew who put my bag in the overhead and carried it off the plane and down the steps for me.

A big than you to the OCS truck operator in Dublin who saw me come off the plane and knew I had a 15 minute walk from plane to passport control and offered me a lift in his airport assistance van.

A big thank you to Martina my rock who has seen me through this before and has done so much more than put my shoes and socks on me and tie my laces. ❤️

Compassion and assistance is there if you ask for it and even if you don't.

For Marcus, the ability to show kindness and compassion toward others, rather than wallowing in anger, was one of the most important signs of true inner strength.

Maybe we are in a better world post covid.