Manage your Inner Critic and reduce Self-Criticism

Tips to reduce Self- Criticism and Practice Self-Compassion

Pay attention to your inner voice, your inner critic and try to notice when you are being overly self-critical and identify the negative thoughts. Take a moment to question those negative thoughts and ask yourself, Is it true? And then take a moment to think a more balanced realistic thought that can help you believe in yourself.

Would you say these horrible things we accept from our inner critic tell to a friend, if the answer is No then try to treat yourself with the same kindness and compassion you would offer to a friend.

Take a moment to realise you are doing your best and you are worthy of respect from yourself and others. Now by becoming aware of these negative thoughts and feelings caused by our inner critic we can now start to manage them without judging ourselves. By taking a moment to write down a list of your achievements and past successes you can gain strength from that.

Set yourself a realistic goal and celebrate your progress no matter how small.

Be grateful for what you have in your life and doing this can change your focus from constant comparison to what is great in your life.

If you are struggling reach out to family and friends and talk about your thoughts and feelings as that can provide new perspectives and support.

No one is perfect if you make a mistake accept it and learn from it and move on.

I believe that by putting these practices into your daily routine, you can gradually reduce self-criticism and cultivate a more compassionate and understanding relationship with yourself.

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