Managing a team with people older than you.

Managing a team composed of individuals older than you can be a challenging yet a truly rewarding aspect of leadership. You have worked hard on your career and have obtained a well-deserved promotion, it's crucial now as I have written before to recognize that building trust and respect within the first 90 days is paramount. Many of your new team may have reservations due to past negative experiences with younger managers, so you need to tread carefully and not only because 60% of promotions fail.

Lack of Preparation, Poor Fit, Inadequate Leadership Skills, Resistance to Change and Lack of Support are all challenges for new managers but managing a team of older individuals is an added challenge.

Start by establishing personal connections with each team member, gaining insight into their individual situations, family commitments, and business aspirations. Avoid asserting your authority by constantly telling people you are the boss. Instead, focus on understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each person in your team. Facilitate their development, and acknowledge their expertise. By actively listening to their ideas and recognising their knowledge, you show a deep commitment to their growth and start earning the respect of your team.

Effective clear communication is key during this new change period. Clearly conveying the vision and goals for the team, ensures everyone is aware of the collective journey ahead. In this scenario as a leader you should aim to strike a balance between respecting the established traditions, their contributions to the past and not being afraid to the introduction new innovative ideas.

Remember a number of points when managing a team of older individuals with more experience requires a strong self-assurance and the knowledge that your promotion is a result of your competence and excellence in your role.

It is vital that you show your appreciation for the team's expertise and recognizing all their contributions. By valuing your subordinates as much as your superiors, you establish a foundation of trust that can motivate your team to go the extra mile.

If you want to know more about my how to be successful in the first 90 days of promotion course contact me through