What a fantastic birthday present.

Interesting conversation after a 7 mile Saturday morning birthday run in 1:02, it didn't feel any slower now at 59 lol.

"I've read your blog on bjkennomotivation.com its very interesting I kinda know now why you run, and why companies ask you to talk to them about how you changed your life around in 2010 after suffering mental exhaustion.

I think you're great for a number of reasons not just because you are my dad but it's time I felt the Runners high, the endorphins, the serotonin and the dopamine and bust my college stress.

Can I run with you today for a new experience she asked?

What a birthday present for me to run with my daughter in her first real experience into running so we ran a 2 Mile run in Marley Park, it was brilliant.

Funny she said after the run "you know dad I definitely feel better coming back than I did when we went out, and although iā€™m tired I feel good.

What a fantastic birthday present she gave me and it made my day.
