If you want to be a professional footballer you should read this blog.

If you are lucky enough to have the belief that you have the abilities, the drive and the ambition to reach all the goals you set yourself in this life.

That belief got me to a football trial in the UK and a contract I turned down to come home for true love.

In football how many times have you seen a team give away a goal in the first minute or last minute of a crucial game. Why?

To play successfully as a professional footballer requires you have had superb technical and physical skills.

These skills ultimately get you noticed and signed by a successful team, but they are not enough.

Being coached as a footballer on the strategy of the team, the mission, and the overall game plan, the responsibilities of your position should result in the team achieving results and climbing to the top of the table.

But is not as easy as that for a team of individuals.

Because, regardless of your career and specifically in football as a talented physical highly skilled technical individual you can still make an error in minute 1 of a game and give away a goal.

Because its not only the physical but also the human spirit that needs to be engaged.

If the everyday work and activities are consistent with the individuals values, those values that specifically provide a sense of meaning and purpose.

If the club, the team, and the actual football career really matters to them then they will typically feel more positive, have more energy, focus better and demonstrate greater grit and perseverance overall and either score a goal early in a game or make a saving tackle.

Unfortunately the high demands and fast pace of life does not leave much time to pay attention to these values and therefor most footballers don't recognise that having your meaning and purpose identified are potential sources of energy.

If they do slow down and identify their values and clarify their purpose in life they will find paying attention to these dramatically will influence their effectiveness in the team and their own overall satisfaction.

Clarifying your purpose and priorities and consciously allocating time and energy to areas of one's life such as, work, family, health, giving back to others followed by one living their newly identified core values in their daily lives will help one find a time in life when they are effortlessly inspired and fulfilled and will most likely be playing the best football of their career.

They will be in the ”sweet spot” and will clearly know what really matters to them, and what they will want to be remembered for. (and itvwou’t be for giving away a goal in 1st minute of a game)

*Brian is an accomplished speaker and ultra marathon runner who has practiced what he has written in this blog to reach success.

If you are a professional footballer or on your way to being a footballer and you would like help reaching your goals contact me through bjkennomotivation. com
