19th November International men’s day.

19th November 2020
International Men's day.

What is your organisation doing to celebrate and highlight and to support men during this day.

International men's day seeks to address different issues surrounding men's  mental health and to raise awareness for male suicide.

The male suicide rate in Ireland is x3 times the female rate with a 19% increase in suicide in 2019 against 2018. Suicide rates increased for both men and women in 2019 as a whole for Ireland.

Limited information for 2020 shows Q1 had 72 suicides in Ireland.

In the age bracket 15-34 through the  segment  of external causes of death/accident/suicide these were ranked 1st with  41 deaths.

The Samarathans advise economic recession, unemployment, a decline in male mental health as an urgent need for specific suicide prevention focus targeting middle aged men.

All of this and now on top covid19 stress and outcomes to deal with.

Please highlight this day as its my view in 2019 International Men's day went almost unnoticed.

In the workplace please try

-Awareness raising campaign
-Support groups
-Psychological support
-Technology support.

#mentalhealth #suicideprevention #mentalhealthawareness #equality

Stay safe.

