Priortising Revenue Over Customer Experience; Lessons from the Vatican Museum.

In the world of business, customer experience is put at #1. Companies wish for customers to receive exceptional service and to have a memorable experience with the belief it leads to increased customer loyalty.

Visiting the Vatican museum recently was a dream come true but to be honest a nightmare in terms of the sheer number of visitors.

It’s hard to understand the overwhelming demand to visit this museum each and every day of the year until you are in the middle of it.

Walking through the corridors it was hard at times to see and appreciate much of the art due to the sheer number of people around me and I was annoyed within myself.

Later having a discussion with my wife we realised that the museum had a massive long term responsibility to preserve heritage and in order to make the art and history available to as many people as possible they have to accommodate large crowds so it made sense to ensure revenue took precedence over our customer experience .

We were thankful to have seen the main pieces we wished to view. There is so much to see it’s almost impossible if you don’t have a plan.

So the museum may not provide an ideal daily customer experience, I know now it is ensuring the long term future for the artifacts and as a result the revenue must take precedence over customer experience.

Don’t let it deter you from a visit, just have a plan for what you would like to see and I am sure you can enjoy your experience , but be ready for “ so many people”.
