The Importance of Breaking the Silence on Men's Mental Health

As a seasoned corporate senior leader with over four decades of experience, I've faced numerous challenges, including surviving seven armed robberies and battling chronic stress. Through my journey, I've realized the critical importance of addressing mental health openly, especially for men. This newsletter edition aims to encourage men to break the silence surrounding mental health struggles and initiate meaningful conversations about their experiences. By doing so, we can collectively work towards changing the stereotype that men should not speak about their worries or emotions.

Open discussions about mental health help normalize these experiences, reducing the stigma and shame often associated with them.

Sharing our thoughts and struggles can be cathartic and can foster a sense of relief especially when we realise that other men face similar challenges. I truly believe that when men see other men openly discussing mental health, it will encourage all of us to seek help and support without the fear of judgment.

If we can create a supportive space in the workplace where men feel comfortable expressing their feelings and can openly talk in confidence about their struggles it would be a superb start. As a man if you can identify three people in your life you believe you can trust and talk to it is a great start. Imagine now if you can be that person for your friend.

I am on a mission to educate men that sharing our own experiences by being open and vulnerable about our mental health challenges can inspire others to do the same. My personal story through my book “ The Bulletproof Banker” is inspiring many men to believe it is possible and they can change. You can get a copy of my book on Amazon

When you talk  to your friends ask open-ended questions that invite more detailed responses not just ok, fine, yes, no. This can help us men feel more comfortable sharing our thoughts and feelings because we feel the person is actually interested.

"How have you been feeling lately?" or "What’s been on your mind?" are excellent questions.

So when we men open up, let’s listen without interrupting and show some empathy and understanding.

Let’s emphasize the importance of self-care practices such as regular exercise, healthy eating, adequate sleep, and mindfulness techniques and thank them for opening up.

Breaking the silence around men’s mental health is essential for creating a culture where we men feel comfortable seeking help and supporting one another. By creating safe environments, leading by example, we can help men open up about their mental health and break free from the old stereotypes that hinder our well-being. Remember, it's okay to talk about mental health, and together, we can all make a difference.

If you would like to know more about me visit and you can get my book The Bulletproof Banker on Amazon

I am interested in your comments on what we can do to improve supporting men's mental health.