Monday evening lack of confidence

August 9, 2021

Monday evening lack of confidence

So it’s Monday evening you are three weeks into the new job, a promotion a job you previously thought you would have sold your granny for.

You have the job, it’s the result of hard work, constant stepping up, stepping out of your comfort zone, experiencing the uncomfortable to move forward in your career has paid off.

Three weeks in and your new boss asked you to get a job done, you know you should have asked for clarification because you were not totally sure of the ask just the deadline. So you asked some of the new team you are leading for their opinions, you now hear on the grapevine they think you don’t know what you are doing and some thing you are asking for their permission to deliver change.

As you sit on the couch watching TV feeling stressed and not taking it in, because all you can think of is how can I fake it till I make it and you have not realised enter Imposter Syndrome.

You believe the team think you are now weak and ineffective, how did he/she get the job, what are you going to do?

New promotions take time to settle in. Early in you can get to a point of low confidence and uncertainty in your mind. This is where positive language and self talk comes into play. Get a balance in your language in your head and to your team, make it positive, say things like this is a great project to deliver let’s work together and get it done, i’m excited to be working with you on this it means so much for the company and our customers.

Give the boss an update and ask for feedback leave unconscious behaviours behind replaced with positive statements and clear direction to the team which will build trust.

The first 90 days of any promotion is crucial reviewing your leadership skills, your ability to manage upward, clarify your role and responsibilities and identifying the learning curve you are on is vital and reduces the opportunity for Imposter Syndrome to take hold while increasing your ability to show confidence and positive behaviour as you settle into the job.

I can coach you in leadership confidence within the first 90 days of your promotion, reach out to me and together we can continue your success.

You can do it.