Testing your limits April 2015.

Testing your limits. What are limits?

April 2015.

It is hard to describe the final few miles of the 63k race as I ran through and over the lonely mountains and country roads.

From a distance across the wind I could hear the commentator at the finish line and I was aware I had a three frenchmen hunting me down and closing the gap as the finish neared.

The jelly babies and bottle of Coke downed a short time earlier pushed me into full blown sugar flow my slow running turned into running and I made a dash for the finish.

My watch showed 7:15 for 63K as I crossed the finish line, but the time didn't matter after all the training my focus was on that moment in time and reaching my goal to be an ultra marathoner and my personal thought as I crossed the finish.

7 mile Saturday night run as another yellow weather warning is flashed across the country.

In 2020 you can reach your goals and dreams if you face the fear , go for it.
