How to approach a Blue personality boss

Blue bosses are detail oriented and process driven. They love quality in work and logical thinking.

They love structure and order in the workplace and they set clear goals and define responsibilities of each person so tasks can be completed efficiently.

They are analytical and systematic and methodical and they love to plan and analyse the situation before they take action. They like to believe they have all angles covered and will make decisions based on the best data they can get and then they set performance metrics.

Be sure when you work with them they will conduct regular evaluations to monitor the progress to ensure processes are working and deadlines are being met.

A blue boss expects their people to be the similar while also making sure they follow the procedures and meet all the deadlines that have been set.

So if you are working with a Blue boss make sure you know about the detail be able to answer any questions with data, facts and your overall analysis.

Remember that they like to follow all the established processes and they find it hard to deviate from them and sudden change can cause them anxiety.

They can be enjoyable to work with.

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