Self-Care Strategies for 2024

Happy new year.

If you think the same way in 2024 as you did in 2023 then you will get the same results. The 60,000 thoughts we have each day can determine how happy and successful we can be in 2024.

I would like you to start looking at some self- care strategies for 2024 to give yourself a chance to reach your goals.

Here are some ideas for self care

Set up a customised self care plan by identifying activities that can help you relax, that can make you happy and help you rejunivate your energy.

Set Boundaries for your self-preservation by learning to communicate clearly and to learn to say No when you are feeling overwhelmed in work.

Priortise your well-being by making sure you come first in order for you to be able to support others. Looking after yourself first will increase your overall effectiveness and happiness in life.

Introduce Mindfulness and Meditation into your daily life.These practices are fantastic for your mental and emotional wellbeing and helping you feel better about yourself.

Take time out to Rest and Recover by making sure you get adequate sleep and relaxation so you can operate and your best. In addition work on strategies to help you improve sleep quality and quantity.

Surround yourself with positive people who can help you. I would never become an ultra marathoner if it were not for brilliant people and runners I surrounded myself with.

If youbare looking for a coach to help you reach your goals reach out to me through and I would be delighted to work with you.