I am the greatest….

I am the greatest and I will help anyone I can, be the greatest they can be.

18.5 mile Sunday run in 3:21 through glorious sunshine and torrential rain several times along the way with a blustery wind in my face.

That was worth the effort.

Positive self talk and positive I am's give your life power and energy and help you reach your goals.

Go for it.


Purpose and Meaning

Purpose and Meaning.

Making a difference to a charity we raise funds for through sponsorship gives purpose and Meaning to a run.

Monday after work 6.6 mile run in 57 mins with my fast colleague and pal Michael Walsh in windy conditions and glorious sunshine that made us work very hard this evening.

Go out and do it, you'll feel better about yourself.


Be honest direct and bold

Be honest direct and bold, you will be respected, unless your boss is a bully, in which case you must do something about it.

A 6.8 mile run in 1:03 through the rain and puddles this evening as rush hour traffic stalls

Remember you have a right to be treated fairly and with respect.

Life's most persistent and urgent question is : what are you doing for others?

Martin Luther King.


Choices, Choices . Running In and Out of a Long Weekend


Victor Frankl a survivor of 3 Nazi concentration camps wrote that they could break his body,torture him,take away all his possessions , but he wrote the could not take away ” my power to choose ”. They could never take control of his mind , his heart or his spirit

Running into the May long weekend with a Friday May 3rd evening 13.2 mile run in 2:12 on a very pleasant evening in Dublin , no wind , rain and very little traffic on the roads.

Sunday afternoon 13.2 mile run out of long weekend in 2:09 in unexpected glorious sunshine

Choosing your attitude is to choose your own way to meet your dreams.

Running into 2019


A 13.5 mile Sunday run in 2.10 in glorious sunshine as I run toward the exit of 2018 and into 2019.

It’s been a mixed year with high’s and low’s , I lost my mum * my executive coach * in February and was recognised in my Industry as a positive male role model on assisting people reach their goals with positive mental health.

Like everything I learned in 2010 when I suffered mental exhaustion is that stuff happens, painful stuff , but so does good stuff and if you pay attention you can learn from it , and be happy .

I read as many positive articles as I can and I read the writings of Marcus Aurelius which I find inspirational .

He wrote,

Imagine you were now dead , or had not lived before this moment . Now view the rest of your life as a bonus, and live it as nature directs .

Be proud when you reach your goals , put your hands out wide and thank those who helped you and tell yourself you are great.

The Positive Motivational Speaker and the 2018 Running Year

It was a successful year for me both as a Motivational speaker and marathon runner  and I have  really enjoyed it despite managing a long term hip injury. I continued to  tweet my night runs under @bjkenno with running time’s and  some motivational quotes.

A couple of times I have met people during the year who have recognised me from my motivational posts on Linkedin and twitter which I found just amazing eager to speak to me about running even in the rain.


I have been lucky enough to have been invited to speak across Ireland and the UK during 2018 and Individuals have contacted me following my motivational speaking on mindfulness where I speak about  positive mental health and setting personal and business goals while spending time in the present and not always thinking of the future .

Something I have said in sharing my story whether its  surviving 7 armed robberies in a banking career , suffering mental exhaustion in 2010 following working 84 hours a week or how i turned my life around to become a marathoner at 50 and an Ultra Marathoner at 55   has resonated with them and they have found inspiration set goals and go about meeting them , sometimes  to loose the weight they have always failed to do in the past  , or their football has improved and they are scoring more goals for their football team, or being more in tune throughout the game and possibly defended better than that had previously , or they have started running to get fit and have run their first 10k or half marathon or marathon .

Whatever way you look at it I am chuffed that I have been able to assist these people by giving something back.

I ran the Dublin Marathon to raise funds for Our Lady’s Hospice this year a very worthy cause as requested by my mum who passed in February 2018 an emotional run and my 9th Dublin Marathon in a row .

Looking forward to more motivational speaking and coaching individuals to meet their goals in 2018 .

Have a happy Christmas holiday and best wishes for the new year.
