Why have a call centre during covid19 ?

In 2020 I had a number of occasions to ring a particular Internet provider regarding the failure of their service.

The company had a number of channels I could review, e mail, twitter, and pages of frequently asked questions , I could chat with a bot but none could replace the immediacy of a phone call.

In the end it took 6 weeks to resolve the issue and the call centre staff and I had to talk to many different people as no one person owned my issue or followed it up. The processes did not allow for it.

Call Centres are crucial to customer retention and if companies are to have dedicated representatives then they must be empowered to make decisions, and in many cases they are not nor do they have the facility to follow up with the customer issue reported which provides a negative interaction.

Call Centres can contribute greatly to the bottom line of a company but are usually reviewed as a cost centre.

Efficient call centres run well with clear processes that meet or exceed customer expectations.

If you are going to hire for a call centre and look for people with excellent communication skills then follow it up with training , coaching , call reviews and 121’s and yet provide the agents with scripts that sound robotic, unnatural, and then not allow the agent to go off script.

As customer expectations are always changing so too should your call centre.

The old metrics such as

80% of calls answered in 20 secs

5-8% accepted abandoned rate

Quality call reviews of 90%

Data from customer service survey after the call.

These are not the new metrics of an Evolving call centre in 2020 and during Covid19.

Time to review your call centre.

bjkennomotivation can assist in the coaching of call centre managers to meet their objectives in this new situation.



We are not in the same boat but in the same storm.

During this Covid19 pandemic you hear said, we are all in the same boat, but in fact we are not.

Not everyone has faced the same struggles, we may not be in the same boat but we are in the same storm.

So you are working from home struggling a bit and you feel everyone else is doing better than you and you are stressed.

Trust me, many others are not doing any better than you. Please don't compare yourself to others with a perfect life on social media.

The Kemmy business school did a survey that identified the following which will help you realise that how you may feel is normal in these times.

60% of employees are more stressed.

49% of women reported issues balancing work and home life compared to 35%of men. ( men need to do more)

51%of employees felt less connected in work while working form home.

69% of employees want blended working after the pandemic.

61% of employees were concerned about safety returning to work in the office.

Bernardo's children charity in a survey found...

51% of people had problem implementing house rules.

38% of kids were fighting with siblings more than usual.

40% kids have pent up energy.

Please try to slow down, set a routine for your wfh days, and remember share the home chores.

Stay safe



You know me

You know me, I trust you, you fix stuff, you deliver on your promises. Some of the things people said about me over the years as I managed large teams and delivered service across a number of industries.

Never more true today in covid19 times its actually what customers are now saying to many of their service providers.

Customers know online is necessary but want companies to get a balance between technology and human.

Do you really know your customer?

Do you really know how your customer feels after they interact with your company?

Do you really know how your employee feels after interacting with the customer?

Some companies have changed the way they review and calculate their Net Promoter Score due to the way business delivery has changed most have not.

Customers are still spending money, still buying houses, still building memories, it's important companies have reviewed their customer service channels and reviewed how their staff are doing during this time, but not through the results of the usual NPS survey or usual staff employee surveys, because you will not get the data you require in these interesting times. 7 mile run today in Dublin with wind, rain and sun along a totally new running route.

Please stay safe.



Personal Development

Most of us spend a lot of time and energy to develop and track a career. We know a long term plan is essential. We forget we don't own our job the company owns that, but we do own our career.

Research by Daniel Gilbert indicates people are bad at predicting who they will become in the future. We forget we are works in progress but consistently are mistaken in the view that we are finished.

He calls it "end of history illusion", where we imagine the person we are today is who we will be for the rest of our life. So our brain needs challenge in order to grow and so we have to make efforts to learn and grow as our personality changes slow down between the ages of 35 - 45.

So a plan for personal development is required for the life you would like to have in the future.

If you are not excited about the future how can your mental health and brain be.

Don't believe everything you think, The Limbic brain is hardwired to pay attention to negative thoughts rather than positive ones.

So stop listen to what your mind is telling you and stay positive.

6.8 mile Tuesday run in Dublin.

I can support your corporate wellbeing program and or mentor and develop individuals and teams to identify and reach their potential.

Reach out to me through bjkennomotivation.com


A bright future in New hands

Interesting read on how men and women look at risk.

It will be interesting to see now with many leadership changes with new female CEO's in charge how this will pan out in the annual results and the way business is delivered to customers in the next few years through major financial institutions across the globe.

I for one hope business will be looked at differently, with increased diversity and opportunity for the right people within companies and a different way of looking at revenue streams for the future without the constant need for job losses and egos to be fed.

I believe the future is bright in some new hands.

7 mile run in 1:14 on a very warm Tuesday Dublin night.


I have a vigor

I have a vigor a toughness youth cannot match.

Part of an Article written by Dr George Sheehan in the US 1980.

"But then what the age of 40/50/60 have arrived the herd no longer needs us, nature no longer protects us, the race no longer cares, we are on our own, we have served our purpose.

With that comes knowledge there are no more horses to be held, we know now about the herd, no longer bound by the rules or to act out the roles.

What others consider twilight years we will be more than we were ever before.

At a time one is expected to take the easy chair, we are transformed with energy, we have a vigor, a toughness youth cannot match. "

On my 60th birthday I still have a lot to offer in vast experience and knowledge and insight.

Dr Sheehan suggests.. today may be your day to leave the herd..... but its not mine I'm still a leader.



Education or Experience to get what you want in life.

Is it education or experience that can get you what you really want in life.

We all have hidden potential to be released at a specific time that will benefit the world in some form or other. Education is worthwhile , experience is invaluable both can work together in business.

However many people enter education for economic reasons and not personal fulfillment. This results are unwanted qualifications and people entering employment within which they become very unhappy and very stressed.

Take some time out to recharge and evaluate so you can thrive in your workplace.

When you believe in your abilities, you can run any distance including the distance you once believed was impossible. Its the same in your business career.

I can help motivate and coach you to believe in yourself and to be in a completely different space mentally, spiritually and financially for the future.

Contact me through bjkennomotivation.com


Stop beating yourself up.

Stop beating yourself up because you don't perform all the time and start accepting yourself because your heart is right.

You might have a lot wrong but I'd guarantee you have more right with you.

Be happy with who you are, know you are improving and enjoy where you are in the present moment.

7 mile TM run in 1:17 to continue injury recovery.



Invest in your potential

Running into the weekend with a 6 mile Friday evening run in a cool calm Dublin.

Bumped into my old colleague Kevin Leahy we had a nice catch up.

Here's a thought for the weekend. According to a report by Hendrick & Struggles, 42% of leadership appointments result in failure by the end of the first 12 months.

bjkennomotivation can coach you to be successful in the first 90 days of your new appointment. Moving from your old role and transition into the new can be tough.

Contact me through bjkennomotivation.com to book a coaching session and plan your way to future success.

