Personal Development

Most of us spend a lot of time and energy to develop and track a career. We know a long term plan is essential. We forget we don't own our job the company owns that, but we do own our career.

Research by Daniel Gilbert indicates people are bad at predicting who they will become in the future. We forget we are works in progress but consistently are mistaken in the view that we are finished.

He calls it "end of history illusion", where we imagine the person we are today is who we will be for the rest of our life. So our brain needs challenge in order to grow and so we have to make efforts to learn and grow as our personality changes slow down between the ages of 35 - 45.

So a plan for personal development is required for the life you would like to have in the future.

If you are not excited about the future how can your mental health and brain be.

Don't believe everything you think, The Limbic brain is hardwired to pay attention to negative thoughts rather than positive ones.

So stop listen to what your mind is telling you and stay positive.

6.8 mile Tuesday run in Dublin.

I can support your corporate wellbeing program and or mentor and develop individuals and teams to identify and reach their potential.

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