You know me

You know me, I trust you, you fix stuff, you deliver on your promises. Some of the things people said about me over the years as I managed large teams and delivered service across a number of industries.

Never more true today in covid19 times its actually what customers are now saying to many of their service providers.

Customers know online is necessary but want companies to get a balance between technology and human.

Do you really know your customer?

Do you really know how your customer feels after they interact with your company?

Do you really know how your employee feels after interacting with the customer?

Some companies have changed the way they review and calculate their Net Promoter Score due to the way business delivery has changed most have not.

Customers are still spending money, still buying houses, still building memories, it's important companies have reviewed their customer service channels and reviewed how their staff are doing during this time, but not through the results of the usual NPS survey or usual staff employee surveys, because you will not get the data you require in these interesting times. 7 mile run today in Dublin with wind, rain and sun along a totally new running route.

Please stay safe.
