A Personal Brand is not just to fool people.

I worked hard for many years being promoted in every company I have worked for as I strove for the future I thought I wanted.

Things changed when I was blessed with children, the responsibilities became greater and I had to learn to transition for a different future I now needed to provide for, which spawn personally an even greater personal need to fast track promotion.

Many managers can relate to the following statement

“I spent a lot of time in the trenches dealing with day to day customer executive complaints while driving the corporate strategy from behind to bring everyone with me and I also drove market share as I lead change and operational change from the front bringing people with me”.

I like many managers was very humble about my skills and talents and even more so about my personal achievements but I celebrated team achievements and awards.

What I began to realise is that everyone has a Personal Brand, and its not about trying to fool people.

Your personal brand is about how you communicate……

This is who I am.

This is what I can do.

This is what I stand for.

There are many managers who use their personal brand to fool people, to believe they will deliver when they personally can’t and they won’t, some are very good talkers and can get into positions of power and consistently get on in their careers on the backs of others and do nothing to bring people with them to improve their careers.

Many good managers are too humble about the value they contribute, the problems they solve, the difference they make to an organisation on a daily basis.

As a result executive management in the organisation miss what is actually contributed and begin to believe that manager is easily replaceable.

Managers should actively promote their Personal brand in the organisation and regularly highlight their achievements.

You personal brand is not to fool people but to highlight who you really are and what you can contribute.
