How are you managing Imposter Syndrome?

How do you deal with Imposter Syndrome.

Feelings of not being good enough and self doubt in your job despite external evidence of success.

Pauline R Clance and Dr Suzanne A Imes defined and coined the phrase Imposter Syndrome.

People convince themselves they are phonies amongst their colleagues who they view as the real deal. As a result they work longer and harder to measure up in their own eyes.

This over work can result in burnout, issues with mental health and relationships with colleagues in work and people at home.

Even when the boss provides excellent feedback for the work done you can struggle to believe it.

To manage your Imposter Syndrome you need to work on and become more tuned into the validation, positive messages /feedback given to you so your inner confidence grows.

Even Einstein didn't think his work was good enough.

When a person takes the time to give you a compliment on your work don’t brush it off, take a moment stay silent, take the compliment and don’t disagree by being too humble.

Attached is some feedback I received that helped me on my journey to manage my Imposter Syndrome.

70%of the world’s population deal with Imposter Syndrome at some time only people like snake oil salesmen don’t have this level of self doubt.

In reality you probably won’t get rid of your syndrome but you can manage it by surrounding yourself with positive people and a work community that can help you with honest feedback.
