Banking moving forward?

Today I'm presently signed up for on line statements. I needed a 12 month statement but the banking app only showed the last 9 months.

I took a walk to local branch used in branch machine, took option for statement, and rather than ask period of time required it just advised statement requested.. I'd no idea of the period ordered.

Waited for staff member to ask what's situation with machine, oh yea she advised that's ordered last 3 months.... Aghh I can see that on line.. Oh you want longer go over to the phone in corner take option 4.

Sat at desk, full of pre used wipes, with a packet of wipes, I wiped phone down selected the option and spoke to a very nice helpful lady who ordered my statement which I will have between 5 - 10 days and it cost me €2.50

Is it a good use of resources for someone to have to order that for me

Who designs this experience, if you push customers online the yearly statements should to be online and not disappear. If I opt of an online statement it should be always there in the cloud.

Pushing customers to phone is a waste of time unless it is designed as a revenue collector regardless of negative customer experience.

If you have to make an appointment to open an account days in advance, If you make customers queue for lengthy periods of time and if you provide less and less services and if you continue to deliver negative experiences, of course the footfall to branches will fall.

Obviously branches will then be closed.

In the 80s and 90s a bank could provide that statement in 10 minutes. I know because I actually delivered that service.

Banking moving forward?
