Are you all In?

What is your motivation?

Do you give your best effort every time?

Are you truly all in?

What are your expectations for the future?

What is your attitude?

It’s hard to believe we are into a second year of covid following 12 months of an unprecidented period of stress and turmoil, difficulties that included loss of employment, home schooling, and looking after elderly parents from a distance.

In the past 6 months many employees have said their work load had increased and 72% said they were better off working alone while 32% thought the quality of their work had suffered.

The fact that 72% of employees want to work alone highlights the issue identified by organisations that they need to work on the weakening company culture rather than the operational challenges faced in 2020.

In order to alleviate the pressure on employees, organisations need to empower employees to find a balance and offer support.

In order to cultivate and motivate a positive culture the organisation will need to understand the staff concerns at this time and stay connected to them.

Taking stock of employee wellbeing at home and in the workplace will be a win win situation for any organisation that pays attention.
