Without belief in yourself you can’t deliver a decent performance.

Most of the time without even realising it many people sabotage the very goal they are striving to reach for.

The negative thoughts that make up most of the 60k thoughts we have daily batter us in the mind that can make self improvement almost impossible due to negative self talk.

I contemplated this along an 8.5 mile run through Dublin as nature did its best to snow and the snow clouds chased me as temperatures dropped.

Being a runner has helped me be a successful leader in my career.

As a long distance and ultra marathoner when you run you enter the flow, a state of mind that allows you to run longer, feel less pain and enter a type of awareness that aligns the conscious and sub conscious mind.

The effort becomes less, your heart and mind have greater capacity to perform and you are in the “zone”.

Long distance runners bring this ability to the workplace and are usually successful in management positions.

This awareness keeps the Ego in balance, the leader understands its not all about them but the team where Peace, joy and comaradie within the workplace is crucial.

Believing in yourself and having a positive growth mindset is important for a positive lifestyle and successful career as you reach out for what you are really looking for out of life.

You can do it.
