We are on a journey in this life.. What if you experience failure ?

We are on a life journey part of the journey for me is an 8.5 mile run Friday evening in chilly Dublin with hail showers.

Through every part of this life we will have life changing experiences for which we should learn from, but most of the time we are too busy to learn.

Working on your mindset will help you draw on these valuable lessons which may have been a disappointing experience and a perceived failure on what you were trying to achieve. Failing to achieve perfection is not total failure

When you reflect on what could have been done better, confront the item that caused the failure and take steps to make sure that error does not reoccur.

Nobody feels 100% ready for every opportunity in life but successful people are willing to give it a go and step outside their comfort zone.

Believe in yourself, push your limits, experience life, conquer your goals and be happy.

You have been given this life because you are strong enough to live it.

