Be ruthless with your time, before you run out.

The best gift you can give someone is of your time, simply because it is a scarce resource.

Stephen Covey wrote that “most people manage their lives by crisis, the only priority setting they do is between problems.

The majority of people do not stop to realise time is a scarce resource… ButBut when Monday becomes Friday and January suddenly turns to September and we wonder where all the time went and suddenly we realise we have not done many of the things we thought we would do when we were younger.

As Covey eludes it takes a crisis for us to realise time is limited in both our business and personal lives.

So if you have a life dream to achieve set time aside and allocate time for that dream and don’t let other priorities get in the way.

Daily chores can be completed by taking time out of your schedule to priorities and schedule time. Knowing what you really want to achieve is crucial.

When you have written down your chores and priorities allocate appropriate time for each one, make sure the time you are allocating is realistic and sustainable.

Then write down for a week what you have actually completed apply timings and you will be able to review how you used your time.

Linking your stress levels to this review will help you identify why you did not any actions or goals completed.

In business you will be able to identify all the last minute requests you receive and you can ask those people to schedule time according to your diary.

It can get all your goals done if you discipline yourself to do as you have planned.

You have lots of time to enjoy if you are organised.

