Does your Organisation have a compelling Vision Statement?

When you develop a vision statement for your organisation it should reflect the commitment to your customers and your employees.

It must be more than platitudes it should clearly state the organisation Purpose.

It should be clear to its customers, it’s staff, and shareholders that it is a customer focused organisation and what it will deliver.

The vision statement should be inspirational to the staff something they can believe the organisation is actually committed to.

When managing change senior management should Inspire and Encourage employees with their enthusiasm and commitment for the delivery toward a new Vision with clear communication.

In many organisations they set up Organisation awareness training at all levels so everyone is clear of the vision, the nature of the business, its purpose and where it stands within the commercial market they operate.

Included will be the traditions, values, culture of the organisation and its future direction.

Think about your organisations Vision statement the road ahead should be clearly communicated.
