Even the motivational speaker gets nervous. It’s great to be back in the room.

As life is getting back to some type of normal post covid I was reminded recently having delivered a talk on stress by being asked, Do you not get nervous talking to all these people, gosh I could never do it, I wouldn’t have the nerve she said.

We took a moment, we agreed some of the stuff I shared showed my vulnerability but it also showed strength. The truth is I explained everyone gets nervous, i’ve looked at almost every room I have spoken in when it was empty before the audience arrived and thought what if nobody comes or boy that’s a big room, I hope I do it justice.

I accept those thoughts and immediately remember why I have been invited to talk, because what I have to say is important to every one in the room.

Having the nerve to get up to speak to put yourself out there is like any challenge you will face in life it requires one to be steady and show courage in a demanding situation.

To mentally prepare for these situations I use

-Guided imagery, where I view what the room will be like full and the appreciation I will receive at the end. I choose to believe it will go well.

-Mindful meditation to build my confidence

-I slowdown and take deep breaths to calm myself.

It works for me and it can work for you in any situation in business or personal life, if you slow down and live in the present moment you can have the future you dream of.

It’s great to be back in the room.