Are you working hard to prepare yourself for the effects of work!

The green signs are there more and more companies are trying to help employees with their mental health.


Companies have recognised how important their employees and leaders are and as a result are changing the culture in the organisations to be positive and not toxic.

Some cynics say its the effect on the bottom line that has awoken some companies, that may be but its positive progress.

There is a responsibility on the company, the leaders and the staff to build a culture of trust, a culture that has clear responsibilities and roles and a clear number of corporate priorities that have to be achieved and to ensure they are communicated clearly and understood.

Every job will have a level of stress but a workplace that has constant changes in priorities, champions working long hours as a badge of honour and believes the employees that are in back to back meetings all day are their most valuable are slowly coming to the realisation that they have a new leadership team every few years, poor performance levels and high absence levels across the organisation.

It’s important to note that in any job one must perform to a level that is expected based on clear and achievable objectives. If a person is struggling a company that has leaders that will give their time in meaningful 121 discussions will provide guidance and assistance to help the employee be successful and with that support most employees and leaders will knock the objective out of the park.

With that approach across an organisation leaders will be seen as positive role models and approachable. The company will gain a reputation pushing a positive culture where people achieve high performance without burnout.

Being mindful of you mental health to avoid burnout is very important and I urge everyone to analyse why they may be struggling and ask for help. Most organisations have an employee assistance program so ask for help.

In any job you will have to perform to a standard and meet set agreed objectives I make no excuse saying that. The challange is the standard must be clear and achievable and if a leader or staff member is struggling there must be support for every level to help them succeed.

Your most valuable employee or leader is not the one in back to back meetings.

Your employee who constantly works long hours and wets it as a badge of honour will I am afraid burnout.

Your leader who shows up overworked and stressed is not your role model for the future.

The structures for Leaders to provide meaningful 121 time to encourage, praise and sometimes have the courage to tell someone what they don't want to hear but need to, in the right way is important to build a positive meaningful culture in an organisation that will reduce absence and eliminate burnout and ultimately add to the bottom line of the business.