Remember your dream.

Remember your dream

I stood at the grave of my twin sister with my mother one day as a teenager  just realising how special it was to be a twin and why I always felt someone was with me.

My mother leaned in and said " Son, always remember you have everything inside you to help you reach your dreams" .

Occasionally throughout my varied  business career and football career that included a successful trial in the UK those words would come back to me.

In support of Corporate Wellness program's I speak about the key to reaching your goals and dreams  is to live in the present, be mindful and to take time to believe in yourself.
Only then you will find your passion and bring your dream back to life.

4.6 mile lunchtime run with my colleague and pal Gary Duffy on a  sunny yet chilly Dublin Friday.

If you think it and believe it, then you can do it.

#wellness #mentalhealthawareness #taketime #corporatevents
#corporatewellness #wellbeing
