Don’t waste your pain

Don't waste your pain

During life you will experience disappointment, setbacks and loss.

Running 13.4 miles tonight my thoughts of pain in life as my hip didn't want to play ball after mile 10.

I remembered some of the pain I've endured,
-7  armed robberies in a banking career guns to my head, knifes to my throat,
  -Disappointments /setbacks in chasing promotions at times in a  career.
- Loss of my parents as I watched them take their last breath on this earth.
- My house burning down in 2015,
- Suffering mental exhaustion in 2010.

Sometimes things in life  don't make sense but what I've learned and in my  support talks to corporate wellness programmes I explain its important to trust in the painful times, its only part of the wider big picture of your life that will come together.

You can get through it and come out with a new passion, a new power and the ability to grow from the pain.

You can do it and if you need help in the painful times don't be afraid to ask for help.

Follow your dreams, you can do it.

#mentalhealth #corporatewellness #askforhelp #mentalhealthawareness #wellbeing #selfcare #womeninbusiness #womeninleadership
