Look after yourself

Interesting quote from Jet Li actor /director.pic attached.

It's my view that not all companies are the same but there's no doubt most demand ultimate  loyalty, but many do not reciprocate.

I've worked with many people and managers  over a 42 year career and listened as  many managers delivered negative job loss messages in an matter of fact  inhumane way, never thinking that they would ever be touched by events only to learn later no one is bulletproof and everyone can be replaced.

In 2020 everyone needs to be mindful of all the companies going bankrupt many house hold names and to survive everyone needs to work together across all industries.

To resolve any issue and to meet any goal there is always a way to benefit all involved.

10.3 mile run on Sunday evening in warm yet bit cloudy Dublin.

Follow your dream and know your value.

#leadership #career #people #success #entrepreneurship #coaching

