When was the last time your CEO showed vulnerability.

When was the last time your CEO and or senior managers showed a vulnerability.

I had a chat with a pal recently and asked that question and he replied, they do not show vulnerability because they will feel exposed and shown as a weak leader.

Research shows that vulnerability is a characteristic of an effective leader.

Vulnerability can be good for business, it shows leaders have courage, they are authentic.

Staff and employees are more likely to buy into the company culture they will be more loyal to the company and there will be more respect for all the teams within the company.

It’s good to know that people view a leader who is vulnerable as trustworthy, a person of humility, as one who has courage and can be trusted.

CEO’s who display these characteristics enhance positive behaviour and performance amongst the workers.

A culture of trust and learning in a company provides an opportunity to become more resilient in tough times.

