Find your Leadership Voice

As a leader you have to develop your leadership voice.

You succeed with a promotion and you are eager to please, yet unsure how to communicate at meetings with people at the table  who are around longer than you .

You don't really want to say what you think as it may be viewed as a negative voice and the inference is you start off as not being a team player.

You may be inspired by the person you replaced following your promotion but you should be aware you can not mimic how they lead or communicate.

Your leadership voice, should not be one that fits all, it has to be a range of voices that reaches the emotion of the listeners that in turn will influence, persuade, and if you are lucky inspire.

This requires communication techniques that involve clarity, empowerment and humour.

Most leaders when promoted do not receive training in the skill of communication.

Your leadership is not just your tone of voice, it's a reflection of your core values which shine through as you present yourself as a leader.

Find your leadership voice with assistance through

#leadership #business #communication #leadershipdevelopment #success #inspiration #motivation
