Do you work when on holidays to catch up?

What change can you make at the start of  another week.

In 2016 the chartered management institute found the majority of UK managers spent an extra 29 days annually working outside office hours.

Hardly surprising when the average manager is interrupted 56 times a day trying to do their job.

It's not new ,for years my work phone was the same as my personal phone ,as a result I was always on. My phone always rang on holidays and there was always an expectation for it to be answered.

The more the businesses I worked in became lean and agile "the always on" culture grew.

There was little support back then and little understanding if you were on holidays sitting in a corner working out a strategy to improve a service problem  overnight.

The picture attached was a holiday in Portugal when my son was 1, he's having a nap and I'm in a corner working out an issue for a customer, My wife took the picture to remind me at the time that I was always on. I couldn't see it then and it took many years for the penny to drop.

Thankfully some companies today have   an automated  process for routing e- mails back to the originator when staff are on holidays so they do not come back to full inbox .
In 2017 France introduced the right to disconnect after working hours.

The question is what do HR in companies do to identify which managers  and staff  use annual leave to catch up on workload ?

If companies do not set the correct expectation then the individual must do it and coaching can help them raise the issues and set the correct expectation.I am here to help you with that.

Stop sending e mails to your staff at ridiculous hours and your staff and managers will be more productive.

Reach out to me if you need coaching in this area.