
Saturday thought for the weekend.

The Thinker by Auguste Rodin

This picture was taken of me many years ago on holiday on a beautiful remote Greek Island.

I had taken off on my own for a while and my wife (my girlfriend at the time ) had come to find me and she found me sitting by the sea in deep contemplation.

As a successful artist she advised me later I looked like the thinker by Auguste Rodin which was why she took the picture.

It is said that Rodin's sculpture represents a man lost in thought , a body with a capacity for action ,wondering ,questioning and searching for meaning. Clearly focused he intently casts his eyes downward.

In truth just before my holiday I had been unsuccessful in getting a promotion it was my second time failing.

The interview feedback was I had done great, I was just unlucky .

However I had more experience and  success in business development than the successful candidate.

I was in one of the most beautiful places in the world yet internally I was in turmoil.I was on holiday yet not present my mind was racing and my imposter syndrome was being fed.

Years later when I decided to leave the company the Regional Manager who did not promote me told me " I'm sorry I did not promote you back then ,you were too good at what you did and it suited me to keep you where you were".

No amount of contemplation on that rock could have brought me to that conclusion,  I just believed i was not good enough.

So this weekend take a moment to believe in yourself , identify anyone who  is holding you back and clarify your purpose and goals.

If you feel the need to invest in coaching for your future then reach out to me ,you will not be disappointed.