Balancing Optimism with Realism

Do you think you are an optimist or a pessimist or maybe even you identify as a realist.

The truth is realism is somewhere as a midpoint between optimism and pessimism.

We know we have about 60000 thoughts a day and many or most of them are negative thoughts. We are too hard on ourselves we judge ourselves we speak to ourselves in our head with negative self talk that we would never dream of saying to anyone we know.

So what can you do to be optimistic yet be realistic?

One thing I would encourage you to do is to be more positive, work on a more realistic perspective on life.

Set realistic targets or goals based on your strengths and dreams and take time out to have an honest assessment of challenges in your life. A positive mindset where you pay attention to the present moment showing gratitude for what you have.

Believe in yourself and do not underestimate challenges so you can learn to manage your frustration and grow your patience.

Look forward to the future and learn that all challenges pass and do not last for ever. Expect the unexpected and have confidence in your abilities to deal with it.

Remember how we view our adversity and stress affects how we respond to it and our ability to cope.

Being a realist, you can sometimes be seen as a pessimist. But you will find that when you are being real you will identify you have all the tools to deal with life and you become a person who can plan well and therefor get on with life.

You can expect a lot from life while knowing good and bad things can happen and as a result you can be optimistic, a realist, and a more resilient happier person than you ever thought you could be.